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Interview for My Story

Povejte nam

The CSHS oral history collection is called Povejte nam kaj (kar po domače). If you would like to tell us your story, we will set up an appointment. Appointments may be face-to-face or by telephone recording. Usually, they take approximately two hours from start to finish. The interviewers are all trained volunteers of the CSHS who have signed confidentiality forms. This means that we, as interviewers, must respect the privacy of what we record. During the interview, we listen, we guide you with questions, but we do not make any judgments. This is above all, your story. Once completed, the interview can not be sold or traded. These are standards followed by all professional archivists. After the interview, the CSHS will always offer you a digital copy of your interview. Sometimes, with the interviewee's consent, a transcript is printed in the quarterly bulletin, or in an article for Glasilo magazine.

Each interview starts formally with the verbal consent of the interviewee and the place and date of the interview. but we also need your written permission. So what does the consent form ask? Firstly, we require information about you: name, address, telephone, email. Then we need to know that you understand that the interview will be used only for the preservation of Canadian Slovenian history, our history, in our archives, as described on the form. Your signature and date, together with the signature of the interviewer ensures that you are aware of the policy. If the interview is conducted by telephone, this form will be mailed to you to return with your signature.

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